Tag Archives: Autumn

I is for Ice (AtoZChallenge)

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It may not be much fun to have your feet whip out from underneath you when trying to navigate an icy sidewalk, but ice in its other incarnations is nothing short of stunning (it is also symbolic of transformation being, after all, the reincarnation of water…).

I was reminded of this on the weekend when we headed out for a bit of spring ice climbing in Johnston Canyon in Banff National Park.

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Back in the farm days, ice was a major pain in the backside. Water buckets froze solid and it was an endless struggle to haul water by hand down to the livestock.


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Days when you have to bash a hole in the ice to get at the water below and then keep things topped up with water you’ve hauled from the top of the hill really make you realize just how much you love your horses (and how much they drink!) 

Today, though, ice is something we climb…



Me nearing the top of Professor’s Ice Climb near Banff last year… 


Ice is something I never get tired of ogling. Aesthetically, it’s stunning the way ice catches the light, the way it’s always moving, forming and changing, the way it changes colour, the way it is simultaneously hard and unforgiving and fragile in a way that scares me to death.


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Grotto Canyon, practically in our back yard… 


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All of this crumbly stuff was dripping wet… some days one feels like a wetsuit would be the most appropriate clothing choice for climbing… 




A couple of times a year in spring and fall, the edge of ice where it meets water is also symbolic of a seasonal transition. Soon, soon, we will be enjoying our annual spring melt here in the mountains. So far, though, it’s been a cold winter and for that the ice climbers (and skiiers) are grateful. 

What’s your favourite season? I’m partial to spring and fall when change is so obvious in every direction one looks it’s impossible to forget that all things are always in a state of flux. The only constant is change.





Same View

… From the hay loft, but this time there is actually a view and not a fog bank!



Seen at the Pumpkin Patch

I love how this young man is providing plenty of moral support and full body encouragement but is letting the young woman carry the pumpkin!


Ok, Pumpkins it is!

There seems to be a definite pumpkin theme going in these days! Yesterday when I stopped by Michell’s Farm Market to pick up a bag of feed carrots it was pumpkin madness! All kinds of kids and families and old people and cute couples were out scouring the field in search of the perfect pumpkin! Even though they were just manhandling squash into wheelbarrows, there was a definite festive air about the place! I wish I could see all the cool carvings that that happened after everyone got their orange babies home…


(Note the complete lack of a shred of fog anywhere!)

Then, there was Sun

Overnight, the wind rose and by early morning the clouds were scudding across the sky.


Standing at the edge of the sheep field it all felt rather apocalyptic! Leaves blew in all directions, pattering down out of the trees before forming great matted swathes of colour that carpeted every inch of ground under the trees.


Over the course of my two-hour morning feed rounds, the wind gradually abated and the sun came out. Everything that had been soggy, damp and limp during the fog of the past week was suddenly crisp and vivid.


And the feeling of that sun on my back – not possible to photograph, but man, did that feel good!