NABLOPOMO – Yikes! The Season is Full Upon Us!!

Oh. My. Goodness. As I had feared when I embarked upon a month of daily blog posts in DECEMBER (!!), an avalanche of activities has caught up with me!Feeling festive!Feeling festive!

Last night, a holiday potluck with farmers and Peninsula Agriculture Commission folks, today testing a new (to me) turkey recipe, fighting with writing deadlines (a couple of them!), and all the regular farm stuff… Tomorrow we are hosting a bit of a get together here before heading next door where the neighbours are hosting a bit of a get together there… Sunday we are sorting hogs (weaning both litters together) and I’m hosting a meeting here, My fingers are crossed that the piglet sort goes reasonably smoothly so they are settled in new digs BEFORE my meeting begins! Tomorrow morning I also need to get a load of hay and keep working on the writing projects… With all that going one, ack – the blog is likely to be a bit thin over the weekend!

What I don’t need to do is bake cookies. Not long ago we hosted a cookie swap (which is, by the way, the BEST thing ever for someone who loves cookies as much as I do).

Each person who came to the cookie swap brought a baker's dozen dozen cookies... We then mixed and matched and each left with a dozen each of a dozen different kinds of cookies. Yum!  These were Dani's sugar and jam delights... I made chocolate dipped macaroons.

Each person who came to the cookie swap brought a baker’s dozen dozen cookies… We then mixed and matched and each left with a dozen each of a dozen different kinds of cookies. The extra dozen of each variety was set out for testing… Yum! These were Dani’s sugar and homemade jam delights… I made chocolate dipped macaroons which are guaranteed to transport me back to my childhood when my Omi used to make them as a special treat at this time of year.

Other than macaroons, I am a big fan of plain old sugar cookies with a bit of almond flavour (another Omi special). Omi was also a fan of making a batch of vanilla dough and a batch of chocolate, rolling them out, stacking the rolled out slabs one atop the other, rolling both up together and then slicing the cookie dough logs. The result was very yin and yang and absolutely delicious!

What’s your favourite cookie recipe?


8 responses to “NABLOPOMO – Yikes! The Season is Full Upon Us!!

  1. All time favourite? Chocolate chip, hands down. Christmas favourite? Cheesy shortbread, made with McLaren’s. Good luck with tomorrow, and those piglets.


    • Oh, yes please to chocolate chip cookies! I have a bit of a soft spot for chocolate anything…

      As for the piglets… let’s just say things didn’t go exactly as planned. But, I think that’s why Plan B and Plan C and Plan D were invented… I was going to start blogging about our adventures but then the Temple Grandin documentary hit my in-box. I’m thinking I should have consulted her BEFORE attempting the great hog reorg project!


  2. Our favorite cookie I make is Coconut Cookies . Favorite holiday cookie? My Mom used to make Cherry Balls. It was a sugary dough with a Marichino Cherry inside! So delicious 🙂


  3. I make a mean double chocolate cookie. Not sure it’s my favorite, but it’s very good.


  4. Hands down family favorite is almond butter crunch.


  5. Gingerbread cookies are my all time favorite! 😀


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