Escape from the Farm…

Dad and I snuck off the farm for a couple of hours yesterday afternoon to go on a photo expedition – first to a nearby marina in Brentwood Bay and then to the Institute of Ocean Sciences at Pat Bay. We both took lots of photos and stopped a couple of times for coffee and to warm up (it was one of those grey, damp days that wound up being chillier than you’d expect, especially by the water).

Entrance to the Institute of Ocean Sciences

The Institute of Ocean Sciences is a beautifully designed building thoughtfully sited on a stunning piece of land on Pat Bay. A seismic research centre and home to many ocean-research types, the building and grounds are open to the public.

I was trying very hard to ignore my phone, but the messages kept coming thick and fast – five new sign-ups for our CSA Goody Boxes (yay!), a friend needing to borrow a couple of transport crates for chickens tomorrow, another friend wondering whether we have room in the goat barn to temporarily house a couple of goats for another friend, someone in the prairies calling to see if we can ship fertile Ridley Bronze turkey eggs, and two inquiries about hogs and pork.

Egg vending machines could be a handy way around the fact our farm is located on a dead end road with virtually no drive bay traffic…

At the second coffee stop managed to do some research on the feasibility of selling eggs through vending machines, coordinate a work session to finish up the last edits on the new book, and schedule a meeting with another farmer possibly looking to collaborate on a couple of projects for which I do not have space… Gads. My attempt to get away for a couple of hours was a bit ridiculous!

The coffee shop at the Institute of Ocean Sciences - includes a lovely view past arbutus trees over the water...

The coffee shop at the Institute of Ocean Sciences – includes a lovely view past arbutus trees over the water…

Suspended fish in the atrium...

Suspended fish in the atrium…

The marina we visited in Brentwood Bay offered up photo opportunities of a more rustic nature.

This old dinghy has seen better days.

This old dinghy has seen better days.


Paddle neatly stowed on the deck of an old wooden sailboat

Wooden Sailing Dingy

Classic lines on this graceful sailing dinghy.

I’m really looking forward to seeing what comes out of Dad’s studio after he has a chance to go through the reference material he gathered today…

8 responses to “Escape from the Farm…

  1. Wow, what a gorgeous reflection in that last photo!

    I may have to look into visiting the Institute of Ocean Sciences next time I’m down island. I’m sure there must be something I need to research, lol.


  2. I mapped where you described. It’s good to know where things are.

    Good that you got out. Curious about the vending machine idea for eggs. Here, they would freeze in winter and cook in summer.

    I hope your dad got some good ideas for art work. Share please.


  3. I just love the blue and white dingy. Strangely, looking at your image of it warms me up! Perhaps it is because it would be most useful in the warmer months? (we are locked in the deep freeze here)

    An egg vending machine; now there’s a thought!


    • Lynda – I’ve been reading your accounts of the deep freeze on your blog and it sounds awful! If the photo of the dinghy warms you up a bit, I’m happy to help! Are the lying weathermen giving you any idea of how long it’s going to last?


      • We are warming up to near 60 this weekend, but only for the weekend. Still, the weather seems to level out a bit for next week. And, we are getting RAIN! We need it. But then, you know those weathermen…


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